–noun, plural -dies.
1. deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: perfidy that goes unpunished.
2. an act or instance of faithlessness or treachery.
So today I feel like life is conspiring against me. I'm in the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina. I work at A Southern Season and they had asked if I could work on the 9th, the day before mother's day. I said sure. The next day, my mom told me she wanted to spend Mother's Day weekend in GA visiting my sister at Fort Gordon (is that the right fort?). Anywho, she decided to push the trip to the following weekend. This coming weekend. That's all well and good.
Today, my calendar reminded me that the YarnHarlot, who hasn't ever really been near here, is gonna be in Atlanta on the 16th! That's the closest she's been in and will be for quite a while. That would have been some darn good luck if 1) Raleigh weren't 6.5hrs or so away from Fort Gordon, 2) Fort Gordon weren't in Augusta, 3) Augusta weren't another 2.5hrs away from Atlanta, 4) the YH is gonna be in Atlanta, 5) my mother didn't hate driving already, and 6) my mother didn't think I am unreasonably obsessed with knitting. None of those bode well for an impromptu trip nearly 3hrs out of the way. Never the less, I do intend to put it on the table.
Clicking around the interweb, I recalled that the Durham Bulls StitchNPitch game is coming up. I clicked over to the calendar. It's the 16th. Yes, the same day I'll be in Augusta, not seeing the YH in Atlanta and there isn't another one for a year.
Talk about your perfidy. I've lost faith in the randomness and/or justice of the universe.
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